Kirsty sat on the floor holding a copy of Untangled

I’m on a mission to help imperfect people change the world.

(Yes, really.)

I’m Kirsty Star Maynor. I’m an experienced, award-winning leadership and executive coach. I’ve raised a fabulous teenager as a single mum, while growing a successful business coaching senior leaders at the NHS, Sky, Skyscanner, JP Morgan and Scottish Government.

I have the studies, research, and lived experience to know for sure:

The only thing stopping you from being the parent, community, or company leader you want to be is your willingness to show up and be seen as the real, imperfect person that you are.

It’s time to share your ideas. It’s time to create and invent.  It’s time for change.  Start as small as you need to, but start. 

Pack up your messy desk, chipped coffee cup, fluffy slippers, and your self doubt. They aren’t holding you back from success, we’re bringing them along for the ride!

Let’s rewrite the story of what’s possible.


I’ve spent literally thousands of hours coaching senior leaders, supervising elite coaches, studying for my masters degree, growing my successful business.

I’ve been accredited multiple times over, including:

  • Professional Certified Coach with the ICF

  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach with CTI

  • Certified Coaching Supervisor with CSA

  • MSc Organisational Behaviour from University of London

…and yet I still struggle to speak up and share my story.  I get panicked that I’m saying the wrong thing, or that people won’t like me.  I hold myself back.

I share this because I know I’m not alone - self doubt is a powerful force. But they don’t have to be a roadblock between you and your dreams.

Constellations of Change is my passion project where I share my light, tell my story. And I’m going to show you how to do the same.

Show up. Be seen.


We can each choose to hide our lights, to play small, to withdraw and stick to the safe and the familiar, or we can be brave, face the fear head on, get out in our own worlds, show up and let ourselves be seen. And right now the world needs us to step forward and be seen. There are too many challenges, too big and too complex to be solved by those who have traditionally done so.

What we are living through now needs new ideas, new dreams of new possibilities, the creation of new approaches, new ways, new models, new things. It needs you to bring the best of yourself, to let your light shine, to show what you’re capable of. It’s time to share your ideas. It’s time to create and invent. It’s time for change. Start as small as you need to, but start.

And I’m here to help you every single step of the way, because I know it’s not easy. I know that it’s scary to put yourself out there, but I also know that it’s possible. I know that you can show up just as you are, right in this moment and make a difference. You can and you do shape this world - by your thoughts, your words and your actions. Make them intentional, set a new course. Let your light shine and together we can light up the world to create a better future.


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(Before they thought they were ready.)